hexen2 — glhwcl - Hexen II: Hammer of Thyrion


hexen2 [options] [+gamecommands]


Hammer of Thyrion is an Hexen II engine


General Options:

-portals | -h2mp
Play Portal of Praevus mission pack
-game ARG
Play this mod
-basedir ARG
Use this directory as base
Disable mouse
-heapsize ARG
Kilobytes memory for heap
-v | --version
Display version information
-h | --help
Show help

Video Options:

-f | -fullscreen
Run fullscreen
-w | -window
Run as a window
-width ARG
Set screen width
-height ARG
Set screen height
-conwidth ARG
Set console width (in pixels)

Sound Options:

-s | -nosound
Disable sound
Use OSS sound
Use ALSA sound (alsa > 1.0.1)
Use SDL sound
-sndspeed ARG
Sound sampling rate
-sndbits ARG
Sound sampling bits
-alsadev ARG
Alsa device name
-ossdev ARG
OSS device name
Set mono playback

Music Options:

Disable midi
Disable CD playback
-cddev ARG
Use this CD device

Network Options:

-listen [ARG]
Enable multiplayer with max N players
-dedicated [ARG]
Enable dedicated server with max N players
Disable local area network
Disable udp
Disable if scan
-ip | -bindip ARG
Use this IP address
-localip ARG
Use this local IP address
-port ARG
Use this port
-udpport ARG
Use this udp port
-ipxport ARG
Use this ipx port

Debugging Options:

-condebug | -debuglog
Do extra debug logging
Set developer cvar
Log some dev events when !developer
Disable some hardware features

Miscellaneous Options:

Force memory option
-surfcachesize ARG
Surface cache size
-protocol ARG
Request different game version
-particles ARG
Set number of particles
Enable full status bar (unused)
Skip some sanity checks
Disable joystick
-zone ARG
Zone memory size


See the copyright file on /usr/share/doc/uhexen2/copyright

This manual page was originally written by gustavo panizzo <gfa@zumbi.com.ar> for the Debian project it can be used elsewhere.