purity-ng — general purpose purity testing software


purity-ng [OPTION]... list|FILE|TESTNAME


Purity is an interactive purity test program with a simple, user interface and datafile format. For each test, questions are printed to the your terminal, and you are prompted for an answer to the current question. At a prompt, these are your choices:

y      Answer "yes" to the question.
n      Answer "no" to the question.
b      Backup  one  question, if you answered it incorrectly, or someone is watching you take the test, and you don't (or do) want to admit a different answer.
s      Print your current score on the test you are taking.
q      Quit the test, and print the current score.
?      Print a help screen for the current prompt.

At the end of the test, your score is printed out. For most purity tests, lower scores denote more "experience" of the test material.


print current version of purity-ng
-h, --help
show the help message and exit
print the test without prompting for answers.
decrypt the test using the Rot 13 algorithm.

To get a list of all purity tests available globally on your system, run purity-ng list.


purity was originally written by Eric Lechner in 1989. purity-ng is a reimplementation of purity in Python for modern systems, written by Simon Fondrie-Teitler and Luke Faraone.

This manual page was written by Luke Faraone.


If you find bugs in the application, please report these to <https://bugs.launchpad.net/purity-ng> or to your distribution's distributor.