teeworlds-server — Teeworlds Server
teeworlds-server ["option value"]...Description
This manual page documents briefly the teeworlds-server command.
teeworlds-server is the Teeworlds server. It is an online multi-player platform 2D shooter.
(Note that this is not a full list!)exec configfile
sv_name <string>
sv_map <string>
sv_maprotation <string>
sv_warmup <integer>
sv_scorelimit <integer>
sv_timelimit <integer>
sv_gametype <string>
sv_port <integer>
sv_rounds_per_map <integer>
sv_register <binary>
sv_rcon_password <string>
sv_motd <string>
sv_max_clients <integer>
sv_spectator_slots <integer>
sv_spamprotection <binary>
password <string>
sv_tournament_mode <binary>
sv_teamdamage <binary>
sv_powerups <binary>
sv_bindaddr <string>
sv_external_port <integer>
sv_high_bandwidth <binary>