nstat, rtacct — network statistics tools.


Usage: nstat [ -h?vVzrnasd:t:jp ] [ PATTERN [ PATTERN ] ]
Usage: rtacct [ -h?vVzrnasd:t: ] [ ListOfRealms ]


nstat and rtacct are simple tools to monitor kernel snmp counters and network interface statistics.


-h, --help
Print help
-V, --version

Print version

-z, --zeros

Dump zero counters too. By default they are not shown.

-r, --reset

Reset history.

-n, --nooutput

Do not display anything, only update history.

-a, --ignore

Dump absolute values of counters. The default is to calculate increments since the previous use.

-s, --noupdate

Do not update history, so that the next time you will see counters including values accumulated to the moment of this measurement too.

-j, --json

Display results in JSON format.

-p, --pretty

When combined with --json, pretty print the output.

-d, --scan <INTERVAL>

Run in daemon mode collecting statistics. <INTERVAL> is interval between measurements in seconds.

-t, --interval <INTERVAL>

Time interval to average rates. Default value is 60 seconds.

See Also


Referenced By

The man page nstat(8) is an alias of rtacct(8).

27 June, 2007