setvtrgb — set the virtual terminal RGB colors


setvtrgb -h|-V|vga|FILE|-


The setvtrgb command takes a single argument, either the string vga , or a path to a file containing the red, green, and blue colors to be used by the Linux virtual terminals.

If you use the FILE parameter, FILE should be exactly 3 lines of 16 comma-separated decimal values for RED, GREEN, and BLUE.

To seed a valid FILE :

cat /sys/module/vt/parameters/default_{red,grn,blu} > FILE

And then edit the values in FILE

Other Options


Prints usage message and exits.


Prints version number and exists.


The utility is written by Alexey Gladkov, Seth Forshee, Dustin Kirkland.


Documentation by Dustin Kirkland.


3 Mar 2011 Set Virtual Terminal RGB Colors